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fulfill one’s wishes, to
实现愿望  detail>>
fulfill the long-cherished wishes
实现夙愿  detail>>
fulfill one’s needs
满足某人的需求  detail>>
can not have it as one wishes
弗克如愿  detail>>
facts one wishes to hide
隐情  detail>>
available for one to use as one wishes
由某人支配或使用  detail>>
if one can satisfy his wishes
倘能如愿  detail>>
 vt.  1.履行(条约、义务),遵守,执行(命令等)。 2.完成(计划等),做完(工作)。 3.满(期)。 4.达到(目的);应验(预言...  detail>>
and she wishes today was one year ago
她多么希望今天是一年前的今天  detail>>
do what one wishes without restraint
肆其所欲 肆意妄为  detail>>
expect things to turn out as one wishes
打如意算盘  detail>>
as their wishes
奇峰突出  detail>>
their wishes
她们的心愿  detail>>
愿望 祝愿  detail>>
fulfill a pledge
履行誓言  detail>>
fulfill obligation
履行债务  detail>>
fulfill oneself
实现抱负 完全实现自己的抱负  detail>>
fulfill promise, to
履行诺言  detail>>